Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bad Habits Of A Certain Author

I’ll bet you thought this blog was about me…
Don’t you…
Don’t you?

(Sung to You're So Vain...)

Actually it is.  Over the last four weeks my writing has been down to practically zilch.  Bummer.

The first 3 weeks I do have an excuse.  I had hubs home after his operation and I felt unwell.  Actually I could barely get out of bed for at least a week of that.  But since then?

Skiving.  Yes… Facebook games have snared me again.  I go through cycles where I’m really good and don’t play or limit myself… but at the moment my ability to ignore them is nonexistent.

Lately it’s Lost Jewels and Lost Bubbles, Epic Bubbles, etc., All time wasters.  But so addictive and so much fun.

So starting tomorrow morning?  Yes, well, depending on edits of course, it will be back to work for me.  Whether I start back into:

The Girl Who Couldn’t Say No (Working title)
The book after  Blame The Wine (No title yet)
Dark Souls

Well that is yet to be decided.  But the time has come to be productive again.  I’m ready to write again.  Tomorrow.  Can’t wait.



  1. Oh please write more on The Girl Who Couldn't Say No! Please!
    I feel your pain, I've been stuck on one scene all week, not writing more than 1k per day, most days not writing anything. Knocked the socks of it today! Got just under 5k down and finished first draft of Becky's Journey!
    You're turn tomorrow!

  2. Hahaha ...

    We'll see anyway :) Okay, to work for me!
