In three short years, Evernight has grown
by leaps and bounds thanks to readers like you! Evernight is pulling out all
the stops and throwing an extreme BIRTHDAY
BASH BLOG HOP in your honor!
That’s right! It’s Evernight’s birthday but
YOU get the presents…
Prizes include:
Samsung Galaxy Tab
Kindle Paperwhite
Kobo Touch
$100 Evernight and Amazon Gift
Mega Evernight Swag Pack
Plus, each author on the hop
will offer his/her own special prize!
As an author, I’m thrilled to share my
stories with you and Evernight helps make my books shine! Here’s one reason why
I love Evernight Publishing:
Evernight have seriously cool cover art... I mean just take a look at this cover!
But apart from seriously cool cover art, my experience with Evernight was all good! See when they contracted me, months ago, I was snowed under. I had more releases than feathers on a chicken! I couldn't possibly edit another book at that time, let alone conceive a release.
So I contacted them and explained my situation (This will be a 12 release in one year kind of full calendar!!) There aren't many houses out there that will change around their release dates because you have releases with other houses, but Evernight did. For which I am infinitely grateful!
Oh and going back to the cover art? I'm sure the cover artist came pretty close to reading my mind! I mean that lush scenery, the female and the male? They come pretty close to damn perfect in my book!

When life has thrown everything at you, how can you bounce back?
That is where David is after the death of his beloved daughter, the loss
of all his material goods and attending the wedding of his ex lover.
That is, until he sees Genie.
Genie feels jealousy toward Karin, the woman marrying the love of
her life. Until a man with cat green eyes saves her from falling. Now,
the falling includes love. But his past could be the biggest barrier
of all. Can they overcome it all? Only time will tell.
Genie tugged on the form fitting light pink gown of satin and tulle.
Only for Michael would she endure this color and style. Shame he’d never
know that though, her mind slyly reminded her.
It was too late now. That little baby inside the bride told Genie that there was no future in weaving impossible dreams.
Finally the ceremony completed, Genie watched as the bride and groom released snowy white doves and the crowd
oohed and
ahhed. Genie only experienced a sharper bite of jealousy, one she covered up with tight smiles and nods.
The back of her neck prickled as she joined the recessional, gliding
up the red carpet, and she had to contain the urge to turn and see what
or who was causing it.
The small restaurant lay ahead, and she gave a silent sigh of relief.
“What a beautiful bride,” and
“We couldn’t be happier for them,” echoed around her as she plodded forward and up to the small white building.
Her silly thin heel caught on a board as she rose up the steps, and a firm hand gripped her arm. “I have you.”
Warmth spread through her from the point of contact, and the liquid voice made her knees nearly melt.
The hand stayed, and she wanted to move closer toward it. Her breathing shallowed out, and she shivered.
“You’re cold?” That voice again and this time she turned. Her eyes
took in the tanned face, deeply lined as if showing the trials and
tribulations of his life. His dark hair was short and flecked with grey,
though she doubted he was as old as he looked.
“Umm, no. But thanks.” She gazed at him. “You must be from Karin’s side, then?”
He smiled slightly, just an uptick of his mouth. “I’m kind of from
both sides. I’m David.” He slipped his hand away from her arm and pulled
back. She knew who he was, Karin’s ex.
This was David? He was gorgeous! With cat green eyes and a
physique to make any girl swoon. And even better, he was taller than she
was. She couldn’t control her exhalation.
“Hi, David. I’m Genie, one of Michael’s mess mates.” She smiled, feeling fascinated for the first time since meeting the groom.
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It’s the perfect time to buy the Evernight titles on your TBR list,
as well as new gems you find during the event, because Evernight’s entire
backlist is on sale at and through
October 7th!