Woo Hoo!
The muse hit my like a ton of bricks yesterday with a great idea for a scifi/futuristic novella series. So 16 000+ words later, Reunion - Wars End was born.
Obviously the series name is Reunion. It's after the war between the Federation and the Independant Planets and revolves around members at Senate level.
Sigh... I so love Selina and Renjiro.
Next up, I've got blogs coming out my ears in preparation for A Bar In Paris release. I'll pop up a clickable list in the next few days, but needless to say on the 18th I'm blitzing then 20th onwards I have a Shades of Rose blog organised. How cool!!
The trailer is also now live... and if you click below you can watch it here.
Oh and new teaser cards too. If you click on them, they become full sized. Feel free to check them out!
We also have a Quickie Release Day Party on Facebook. Tired yet? I know I am!
You can check out my blog tour here:

You can check out my blog tour here:

I'm also working on Miss Elspeth's Desires... It's taking a lot longer than anticipated between a lot of interruptions, so I'm guessing it won't be finished in draft form until into the new year.
Lastly, I have had to do some other work. Darn! But never fear, look what I've been creating!!!
It doesn't yet have all the stock uploaded ... But what it does have is a range of Aussie authors as their favoured... Well yes, tha
t includes me! Oh feel free to click on the image to visit the website!
So I have been busy, and is my excuse for not being around much lately!
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