Friday, August 31, 2012

It's the end of another week.

This week has been a long long week. My motivation levels have been well... shall we say... Sub Par. It could be Post Conference Blues, it could be Single Parentitis... in fact it could be any group of a million things.

So, what have I achieved this week?

I've read my way through 23 Mills and Boon novels. Hmmm... Whether that has been good or bad I'll leave up to you to decide. Have I learnt anything? Yes ... and no. Sleep this week has been elusive with hubby away since very early Tuesday, hence the reading almost non-stop (And to be fair, most of them are books from the RWA conference).

I am so looking forward to his return, though maybe I need to move the pile of books from his side of the bed before he gets home. (just a thought of course) :)

It's very hard to build up momentum with teenage daughters in the house and the constant to and fro of school, work and commitments that come with them. Not to mention bathroom wars. Anyone with teen daughters will understand that.

Washing up here has been a frenzy of "Get it finished" and homework is that 9.30 pm "But Muuummm, it's due tomorrow." Sigh. Of course they forget that Facebook, internet games and other stuff which includes bouncing and jiggling to music also eats up time. (Hmm is that a case of Pot... meet Kettle? Maybe just a teensy bit.)

Such is the life of an author/mum of teenagers/wife of busy husbands. Not to mention the reminders of chickens and guinea pigs, my little baby pup (who is now nearly 3!!) and those cats. I;m thinking I should maybe just buy a reel to reel player and tape myself saying... "Have you made your lunch? Is your bag in the car? Have the cats, dog, chickens and guinea pig been fed?"

But that's all in good humor. Don't get me wrong. They could be so much worse to deal with. They dress sedately (usually) do wash their own clothes (under duress, but still), work part time and have the drive to travel instead of hooking up with guys. So, we are doing ok. Note to self: Make sure kids don't check the blog for a week or two...

But... on a bright note, today... oh how I love today! (Could be because hubs is due home tonight)... I'm back to editing. The Blood Bride has finally caught my attention again and I'm focused on working my way though it.

My Beta Reader - JL Addicoat (sorry no website yet) has been hassling me to see it. But you know, it's still in the rough draft format. She can read it as soon as I get my first edit through.

I'm still spending time on Facebook - for me it's the ultimate in catching up...and maybe wasting a little time... But I love it and it's a chill out for me :) Yes I also pick up stuff and links that are super interesting. So today, I bring you Kathy Carmichael's Pitch Generator. Gee... I wish I had known it existed before I wrote my pitch for The Blood Bride. So without further ado, click on the image to go to her generator!

I hope your weekend and next week is productive and fun!


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Starline - The Launch


We held the launch last night. On a warm not quite Spring Evening. The place was rocking to the sound of the music as Diane Beer, author extraordinaire stepped up and gave her spiel. It was all really cool and somehow surreal.

Then it was my turn. What do you say though to people about how good your book is? Where the inspiration came from? How you got to this place. I have to admit to ad libbing. Just a tad, that is :)

So now, Starline is officially "out there"... the new battle ground unfolds. Marketing.


Once the story goes in the paper, I'll take a screen shot and upload it for all to see.

For now, though, you'll have to make do with a photo of myself and fellow/friend JL Addicoat and another friend as we enjoyed the company on the night.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'm back!

Utterly exhausted...but really pleased that I made the effort. Some big things happened while away... yet, at this point I can't tell you. :) Awww that was mean, wasn't it? But keep an eye out on my publishers page (on the website) for more news.

So I met up with the girls from Hotter Than Hades author blog.

See! We had such a great time.

So what did I do? LOTS!I dragged my husband all over Palazzo Versace. He was a great sport as we tromped through rooms and suites. It started with champagne and a limo ride and ended up with high tea!

I attended workshops and listened to the Keynote Speech by Eloisa James which was really inspiring.

Then we had the Fancy Dress night. I was supposed to be Bette Davis but I think I ended up looking like a biker chick.

Now I'm back and ready to write. Oh and don't forget to check out our Hotter Than Hades blog!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Exhaustion...(noun)weaknes or fatigue. (Thanks to

In one word, that sums me up currently. I feel like I've been living on a roller coaster for the last 18 months. I can hear puzzlement in your thinking... "Why?"

The last 18 months have been a huge learning curve for me... taking on my first critique partner and then forming the Hotter than Hades Author group, finishing 3 novels, and 2 short stories, plus the polishing and submission of most of them. Out of the 5 stories, 4 are published and 1 is now under contract.

(The latest release came out yesterday - Star of the Fleet)

I am finalising a 6th and have 2 in the wings waiting to be completed and a short to rework... It needs expanding to a full length novel, but I can already tell, it's gonna be great.

Family commitments don't stop either, with two daughters in the last years of school and a husband who works incredibly long hours.

Soooo... what am I saying? It's nothing scary, like I've decided to retire from writing, but I'm taking a break...heading off to the Gold Coast to schmooze with other romance writers. Having down time. For the first time in a long long while, my husband is taking time off work so we can do our things. The campfire cookout we promised our girls 3 years ago, sorting out our ever growing flock of chickens... Getting ready to lodge our tax...

So I won't be blogging over the next couple of weeks.

But I will take photos and upload them to my facebook page from the conference. Oh and when I get back, then I'll share all sorts of things I've learned. Until then, this is Imogene Nix. Signing out.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Something new...

Can you see >>>>>

Yes over on the right hand side, there has been a change in the trailer. Star of the Fleet should be released soon (As I have said, there was a small hiccup which held it back... but it should be here soon...)

Watch the trailer and let me know what you think!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Two Weeks...And Counting Down.

Oh my... with only two weeks to go (yes exactly two as I sit here) I'm heading off the Romance Writers of Australia Annual Conference on the Gold Coast. I can't wait.

It's going to be my first!! (Though it isn't my first conference ever, so I'm not really afraid)... But...

In the last week, I've been thinking, very hard, about exactly what I need to pack. Being organised as I am, I have a One Sheet... want a peek??

I know... I'm being awful, but I'm only showing part of it... I promise to show more after the conference...but it has the concept of the book I'm pitching so I better not right now :)

So that part is a check.

I have my dinner gown for the formal event and my gown and wig for the fun night... Shoes, bag and even jewellery...

Fabulous new boots - lacing up to the knee (always wanted a pair like that). A spare power cord for my laptop and internet dongle (how can a girl get by without that?)

Room is booked, provision made for the kids to stay with family and hubs is taking care of organising my baby (the pup you know) cats, chickens and sole remaining guinea pig...

We are driving, so I don't need to worry about excess baggage (all those yummy books to bring home...)

It's coming together finally, as I have received details of who I am pitching to... I'm thinking a box of panadol, oh my... what else?

It's so exciting... bring it on!
