And the website? Well it is live and online. You can visit it at http://www.imogenenix.com/ - please do as I love feedback.
In the course of my writing in the last few days, I have been finding out a lot about Low Self Esteem and have found it quite interesting to learn causes and ways of treatment. Some say it is considered an illness, others say it isn't but one thing is certain. There are more sufferers out there with this condition than I ever considered. If you think you need help, there are many organisations out there to offer support. Try Beyond Blue http://www.beyondblue.org.au/ or if you are under 25 there is Youth Beyond Blue http://www.youthbeyondblue.com/ if you feel you cannot talk to your General Practitioner.
Book 2 has also now broken the 25K word barrier - still less than halfway but getting exciting now. I would add a short snippet but it might be better to keep it under wraps right now. But I can tell you, this heroine is soooo different to Mellissa the heroine in book 1. I am still discovering things about Jemma I never expected. I am also waiting to hear more about her background...she is only telling me things in dribs and drabs!
Okay, so today I have to work to make up for time lost last week, thankfully I can now at least walk (albeit slowly) into my office and start work.
So I am going to leave you with a quick quote:
If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right. Mary Kay Ash - I am of the mindset "I can".
Happy reading!
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