Monday, July 11, 2011

Rewrites more rewrites and still more rewrites

Yep, back to Starline. I love this book and I love the characters, but I have to say, currently I just so badly want to get this book finished. Why? Because I think I am on my 400th reading of the story.

Why is that a problem you ask. Well, now that I know the story so intimately (yes I know I should anyway because I wrote it) it is hard to walk away, take a break and come back fresh. That is where the aid of my trusty Beta-Writer/Critique partner comes to the fore. She has read and re read and told me the sections that I have stuffed up in.

Now to be fair, this is my first major attempt at writing. And she may be kind....although I do hope not. I can't learn anything if people are kind and don't tell me the truth about my writing. So here I am blogging away merrily about the trials and tribulations of getting these rewrites done. So I would love to pose a problem to those of you who are already published....How many more times am I likely to need to re-read and how many people do you have beta-read your books?

Anyway, on a bright note, there is only about another 20 000 words left to be written in the second book, before it should be due for the first round of re-writes :) Oh joy of joys more re-writes!

Well, don't forget to visit my website and put it into your bookmarks.

For now, I am back to rereading Starline.


1 comment:

  1. I understand perfectly the 400 round edits. :)) And yes it is definitely hard to distance yourself. Good luck with it and book 2.
