Arrgghh. Life is never boring here. I feel like I am running so far behind myself, I just saw last week overtake me! Between kids, writing and all my other time consuming activities, I have barely got back to update what's going on.
Cover Art: Yes! The Cover Art has arrived for The Star of Ishtar. It is seriously awesome and another magnificent work from Dawne Dominique.

Ishtar will be available in April 2012 from Secret Cravings Publishing - and as soon as I have the date, I will let everyone know.
On the note of the wonderful work by Dawne Dominique, I now have the most fabulous banner art. Just take a look at this!

I have just signed up for a virtual blog tour for the end of March, so watch out - Starline is heading your way soon.
Greta Van Der Rol - a fellow Darksider and the author of the successful Iron Admiral series is coming for a visit in the next couple of weeks. Watch out. Should be fun.
On the writing front:
Star of the Fleet is now complete in very rough draft format. Now this couple are a little different - after all they are older. Wait til you meet Julius and Kera. Woot!
Starburst the first scenes are written and it's shaping up to be HUGE! Well I suppose it had to be as it is the last in the universe.
Personally, this last year has been odd. From zero to three books, written, contracted and the first published.
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