Valentines Day is coming and to be honest, this year I'm a bundle of nerves. Why, you ask? Because this year, I have stepped up to the plate...this year I am a Published Author.
How exciting is that, right? Well it is pretty awesome, except for one thing. What should I do know?
Say what...? Yeah, I know. Here I am an author of a SciFi Romance wondering what on earth I should do this year that is so different. In the past, I have done all sorts of stuff.
One year, when hubby and I were struggling with Uni and work, I made these little love heart biscuits, and with bits of nut, wrote "I Love You" on them and arranged them on the plate. I have left Love Notes and things like that. But the last few years, I have got slack. You read right. Slack. S-L-A-C-K!
Hubby brings me flowers and wine and stuffed sexy kittens for my office, but I am lucky to do a card. Sure I cook dinner and stuff like that, but that is about my limit these days. I want to do something new, bold and exciting.
That is part of the problem isn't it? I will still cook a dinner for two - we have candelabra, quiet music and ... ah yeah... teenage daughters. It's hard to be romantic with teenagers in the house.
I have always considered sending him flowers, but it really doesn't work for us. He could be anywhere in the region so it wouldn't work and he thinks flowers are a girly thing. A card? Sure I can and will pick one up, and some nice wine. He doesn't really like chocolates and his view of Val's Day is that it is horribly commercial...
So, here I am...once more thinking what to do... But enough of my rambling...what are your plans?
Go on, share. I won't tell anyone. And if I get one I really really like and think will work for me, I might find a copy of Starline in my prize cupboard!
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