I know...I know... it's been a while.
Did you think I forgot you? My wonderful followers? Nope. I've been busy. Let me recap briefly :)
Star of Ishtar - finished the final edits, okay'ed the proof and now I have a galley! Woot! This title will release on 2nd April 2012. Want a buy link? Try Here. Give Aways coming soon!
Starfire. We have a release date. 6th June. Queensland Day and just in time for my birthday. I sense a double celebration for that!
Starburst... now at over 13 000 words. I am having so much fun.
Star of the Fleet is now under contract to Secret Cravings and is due for release in August.
See...told you I have been busy.
On a personal front, we hatched 3 new chicks here at home on Sunday. I love hatching days. The peeps and cheeps and watching as they crack that egg in the struggle to enter the big bad world. We just hope all of this lot are female. So now we have Cheep-Cheep, Peep-Peep and Jumper.
Jumper is so named, because this morning when I cleaned up the incubator/brooder, there were only 2. You can't possibly imagine the mad panic we went into, both daughters were totally hysterical. Thank heavens we have the brooder on top of a small bar fridge. As it turns out, Jumper had got into the back of the fridge - probably seeking the warmth and dark. Daughter #2 rescued the chick once we knew where it was and it is now back in the brooder happy with its siblings. The cats were nowhere in sight. *phew*
This weekend I have work commitments on Sunday, but I look forward to a slightly more restful day on Monday, as the girls are home from school...maybe not sleep in, but at least no rushing around with school things. I love school holidays and can't wait for daughter #1 to finally have her "P" plates and a car of her own.
I have also signed up as a guest host for Coffee Beans Love Scenes - and topping that, we are about to embark on a Blog Hop. More details once I get the plan back from CBLS Promotions. Ahh yes, and in April you can find me at TRS as well. Sent back my interview this morning.
And starting in the next few weeks, I have a number of visitors and giveaways. So remember to pop back regularly. All sorts of exciting things are coming this way.
Signing off now...going to go write some more...
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