Real life relationships can be messy and complicated. Whether it’s a
casual remark or a complete betrayal, the people involved will feel hurt by the
other at some point. Writing about relationships isn’t much easier. My
characters are like my children. Seeing them get hurt is just as hard for me as
it is for them. But, in order to build a realistic relationship, it has to
happen. I don’t want my characters to
feel this pain, but it’s part of life.
In The Flash of a Firefly, Kaden meets Lyn. There is an instant mutual
attraction between them that Kaden tries his best to ignore. He knows enough to
realize that a vampire shouldn’t date a human. But, that’s where those pesky
feelings come in and take over. Being the author, I knew how things would end
for them. I knew that, both in the first novel and throughout the series,
things wouldn’t always be pretty for them. It made me sad that I was setting
Kaden up to be hurt so many times. (I won’t say how Lyn hurts him, but it isn’t
really her fault.)
Alternatively, it’s very awkward writing the scenes where they are
intimate. It was hard for me to detach enough to write those moments. (My
“children” don’t do those things!) It took a long time to get those pieces
written. I actually skipped over them in the first draft and wrote them in
Despite all my mixed feelings about the relationship between Kaden and
Lyn, I’m happy with the way things end for them. It might not wrap their
relationship up in a pretty bow, but it’s as realistic as it can be given the
genre. The ending of the series does show their bond, which I think is the most
important thing.
Author: Amber Riley
Publisher: Self
Length: Approx. 50,000 words
Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy, YA
Trying to put his past behind
him, Kaden moves to New York City where he creates a new life for himself. And
that isn't easy, considering the fact that he's a six-hundred-year-old vampire
who hasn't fed on a human in more than a century. Unfortunately, the past isn't
something you can always escape from. When old enemies resurface, they come
with a message. His master wants him back and refusing isn't an option.
Confronted with losing both his
freedom, as well as the human that has captivated him, Kaden struggles to hold
onto his humanity while controlling his darker side. He knows the showdown is
inevitable. He must find a way to stand his ground.
a hundred feet away, two figures slowed their pace to match mine. I clenched my
jaw and forced my feet to keep moving forward. I hadn’t been looking forward to
this day. I knew it would come sooner or later. I just wished that I had
listened to my gut instinct in the first place.
there was no going back now. I was within reach of them, and my blood was
boiling under my skin.
are you doing here?” I snarled.
good to see you too, Kaden.”
hair tumbled down her back, and her jaw set as she forced her full red lips
into a big smile. It was a face I hadn’t seen in over two centuries, one I
could have gone a thousand lifetimes without seeing again.
are you doing here?” I repeated.
you treat your own sister so coldly after all this time?” she asked in a
sickeningly sweet voice.
no relation to me,” I growled through gritted teeth.
smiled sarcastically. “We’ve come to take you home.”
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