So, what have I achieved this week?
I've read my way through 23 Mills and Boon novels. Hmmm... Whether that has been good or bad I'll leave up to you to decide. Have I learnt anything? Yes ... and no. Sleep this week has been elusive with hubby away since very early Tuesday, hence the reading almost non-stop (And to be fair, most of them are books from the RWA conference).
I am so looking forward to his return, though maybe I need to move the pile of books from his side of the bed before he gets home. (just a thought of course) :)
It's very hard to build up momentum with teenage daughters in the house and the constant to and fro of school, work and commitments that come with them. Not to mention bathroom wars. Anyone with teen daughters will understand that.
Washing up here has been a frenzy of "Get it finished" and homework is that 9.30 pm "But Muuummm, it's due tomorrow." Sigh. Of course they forget that Facebook, internet games and other stuff which includes bouncing and jiggling to music also eats up time. (Hmm is that a case of Pot... meet Kettle? Maybe just a teensy bit.)
Such is the life of an author/mum of teenagers/wife of busy husbands. Not to mention the reminders of chickens and guinea pigs, my little baby pup (who is now nearly 3!!) and those cats. I;m thinking I should maybe just buy a reel to reel player and tape myself saying... "Have you made your lunch? Is your bag in the car? Have the cats, dog, chickens and guinea pig been fed?"
But that's all in good humor. Don't get me wrong. They could be so much worse to deal with. They dress sedately (usually) do wash their own clothes (under duress, but still), work part time and have the drive to travel instead of hooking up with guys. So, we are doing ok. Note to self: Make sure kids don't check the blog for a week or two...
But... on a bright note, today... oh how I love today! (Could be because hubs is due home tonight)... I'm back to editing. The Blood Bride has finally caught my attention again and I'm focused on working my way though it.
My Beta Reader - JL Addicoat (sorry no website yet) has been hassling me to see it. But you know, it's still in the rough draft format. She can read it as soon as I get my first edit through.
I'm still spending time on Facebook - for me it's the ultimate in catching up...and maybe wasting a little time... But I love it and it's a chill out for me :) Yes I also pick up stuff and links that are super interesting. So today, I bring you Kathy Carmichael's Pitch Generator. Gee... I wish I had known it existed before I wrote my pitch for The Blood Bride. So without further ado, click on the image to go to her generator!
