Thursday, August 2, 2012

Two Weeks...And Counting Down.

Oh my... with only two weeks to go (yes exactly two as I sit here) I'm heading off the Romance Writers of Australia Annual Conference on the Gold Coast. I can't wait.

It's going to be my first!! (Though it isn't my first conference ever, so I'm not really afraid)... But...

In the last week, I've been thinking, very hard, about exactly what I need to pack. Being organised as I am, I have a One Sheet... want a peek??

I know... I'm being awful, but I'm only showing part of it... I promise to show more after the conference...but it has the concept of the book I'm pitching so I better not right now :)

So that part is a check.

I have my dinner gown for the formal event and my gown and wig for the fun night... Shoes, bag and even jewellery...

Fabulous new boots - lacing up to the knee (always wanted a pair like that). A spare power cord for my laptop and internet dongle (how can a girl get by without that?)

Room is booked, provision made for the kids to stay with family and hubs is taking care of organising my baby (the pup you know) cats, chickens and sole remaining guinea pig...

We are driving, so I don't need to worry about excess baggage (all those yummy books to bring home...)

It's coming together finally, as I have received details of who I am pitching to... I'm thinking a box of panadol, oh my... what else?

It's so exciting... bring it on!


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