Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rites Of Spring - Imogene Nix

Welcome to the Rites of Spring Blog Hop. 

Today we are talking about firsts, not just mine... but those of one of my characters.  So where to start?  Let's pick The Plan.  It's my next release and one that features two very strong central characters.

Jonah - who just happens to be the head of the Department of Authority (yeah, the police chief essentially) and Kadie.  A small time smuggler who gets caught by Jonah.

This book represents a number of firsts, both for myself as an author and the characters.  For me, it was the first book outside my now completed Warriors of the Elector Series, my first time with a new publisher...

But I'm going to tease you a little.  This scene isn't their first meeting, but the one where he's got her right where he wants her... and realises she just might be more than he can handle.


Excerpt 1:

The man that arrested her, Captain Jonah Fielding, she had heard of. A straight man, everyone agreed. He didn’t associate with the old, corrupt Authorities. But at this point that’s cold comfort. How can I possibly explain that I have nothing else except my little Sugar Plum Fairy and that’s why I took the chance? Her stomach rebelled and she dry heaved right there in the cells as catcalls and laughter from other prisoners filled the air. Thank the Lights at least I am in a single cell. Her head ached brutally and she wavered slightly, waiting for Captain Fielding to send for her.

“Kadie Frost? Captain Fielding wants to see you.” The clank of the cell door told her someone was coming; she struggled to her feet, lifting tired, sore eyes.

A young man, little more than a boy really, with a freshly pressed uniform marched in, unfastened her from the restraint loop, and pulled her out the door and into an anonymous corridor.

Hoots and hollers met her ears as she allowed herself to be paraded down the long walkway. As if cattle in a moon-cow yard, she thought, closing her eyes as the Authority man pulled her toward a heavy, metal door at the end of the corridor. He stopped there and she opened her eyes, reading the sign on the door.

Interrogation Room One. What a great name, she thought snidely. Really inventive.

The door opened slowly and she was quickly thrust inside. The door snapped shut behind her as she looked around the bare room. A table and two chairs sat, scarred and ugly, in the middle of the floor. The metal was cold and glittering in the cool air as the air circulators pushed currents around the frigid room. She made her way over and sat down, waiting for the captain to enter. Her head drooped to the table and she let it rest, seeking the refreshing cool on her overly hot skin.

Her hands stung and her eyes burned. She felt sorry for herself as she thought about the mess she had gotten into, and she turned her stinging hands to check the damage. They were bright red and radiated heat. The deep scratches were swollen and weepy; sticky drops of goop coated the raw skin. Never a good sign, she already knew that.

“Kadie Frost?”

She started. Obviously, the woolly, heavy feeling in her head had overtaken her and she had dropped off to sleep as she waited. Her skin burned against in the coolness of the room.

“That’s me.” Her head hurt viciously, but now she realized her throat burned too.

“Captain Fielding is my name. I believe you and I can discuss BXM parts?” He lifted an eyebrow and she noted the captain had the most amazing blue eyes she had ever seen, teamed with long, black hair fastened at the back of his neck, high cheeks, and impossibly chiseled features. He had full, pink lips that would make a woman cry when they moved over hers. Huh? Where did that thought come from?

She blinked, dazed by the thought, and considered her plan of attack. “What? Oh, the BXM parts.” She swallowed and felt the razor blades she was sure were in her neck slashing from the inside which then proceeded to burn. “They aren’t mine. They never were.”


For the characters though, the firsts were so much bigger.  The first kiss, the first touch.  The first time either was able to say "I love you." The first meeting.

For Kadie there was her "first home" even.  The Sugar Plum Fairy, was the first place she could call her own.  The first time she was in charge of her destiny.

Yeah... but it's really not fair to keep you waiting so this next excerpt is something special

Excerpt 2:

Jonah grabbed some tissues from the box. He knew they were also a luxury and she would be wary, but he handed them over anyway, watching as she wiped away the residue of her tears.
“I don’t usually lose it like that.” She hiccupped slightly as she said the words in a husky, just-finished-crying voice.
“I didn’t think you did. Look, let’s start again, shall we? Hi. My name is Jonah. Pleased to meet you.” He gravely held out his hand, and a shy smile edged to the side of her lips as she took it. She still seemed wary, but accepted his hand. Jonah noted the calluses on her hands, as if she’d labored hard in her past.
“Hi, Jonah. I’m Kadie.”
He smiled. First step accomplished. “Let’s go see about grabbing you some clothes from your ship.” He watched as she turned beet red.


Okay, for some of you, this will be the first time you've heard of me.  If you are interested in my other titles, visit either Amazon or Barnes and Noble or my website for more information.

So I'm going to give away 2 prizes. (Yay!) 

The first one is simple.  Comment on one of the excerpts...  The best comment either what you liked, what you hope will happen etc) will win a copy of The Plan (an ARC! Woo Hoo!) It is in ebook format so you can read it on any device!

(Want to know more? Click on the photo link to visit the Beachwalk Press site!)

The second prize is a little more involved...  Tell me about your first something.  Now remember... Keep it clean!  This blog is rated at 13+ (Snickers!) and you could win a copy of Starburst (again ebook in PDF format).  The final Warriors of the Elector book.  Make it witty, make it fun!

(Want to know more? Click on the image to go visit the Secret Cravings site)

All prizes will be drawn on Sunday 24th (after 5pm Queensland Time!)

1. To enter, simply follow the instructions above between 12.01am 20th March 2013 and 11.59pm Saturday 23rd March 2013.

2. Please leave your email address somewhere in the body of the comment.

3. While following my blog is not essential, it would surely be appreciated!

4. Please follow the link below and go visit other Rites of Spring Author Blogs!

5. Finally there are 2 grand prizes!  Visit as many blogs as you can, and click on the rafflecopter tag in each to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jessica! I'm super excited to be involved!

  2. Well I am curious about the Sugar Plum Fairy and why that name.
    Thanks for being part of this fun blog hop.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

    1. Ah the Sugar Plum Fairy... I never tell you why they name it that... Could it be because her favourite holiday is Christmas... Hence the name of the ship.

      Thanks for participating!

  3. I really enjoyed reading both excerpts but they left me with more questions than answers yet at the same time, it didn't leave specific questions!! However,that is a good thing because now I want to read the book and find out everything there is to know. I want to know what Kadie did or smuggled to get where she is but also in the past and how it came to be that she is living that type of life, I want to know a bit more about this Captain Fielding and I want to know what it's all leading to!! Excellent way of getting it out there to spark interest!
    As for a nice clean first, I can recall my first celebrity crush. Yes, I know that may be boring but I wanted to keep it clean! It was on River Phoenix from the movie "Explorers" in 1985 (Umm shh, I'm old) and lasted right on up till his death and on. So that was my first celebrity crush.
    As for the spring thing, my very favorite thing about spring is opening up the windows again. I am starting to miss the fresh air!
    Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway and happy spring everyone!
    Shelly H.

    1. Shelly I'm so pleased you are interested in reading this story! Jonah is soooo sexy. And Kadie is so much fun!

      Good luck with your entry!

  4. The razor blades in the neck imagery really stood out. As an aside, I kept wondering why BXM sounded familiar, then realized I'd been thinking of BMX.

    Lisacordes (@) yah00 d0t c0m

  5. Yes it does, doesn't it? Lol! I had a great time writing this story LisaC!

    Thanks for commenting and good luck!

  6. Excerpt #2 was cute and had me smiling. She seemed so innocent and even though he had arrested her, he was being really nice to her.


  7. Oh yeah... he's really nice to her :D He's such an all round nice guy. I kinda think Jonah is a heart throb! (Shhhh! Don't tell my husband though!)

    Good luck!

  8. I love wearing the light colors of spring, there are so many.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  9. Thanks for the comment magic5905!

  10. I had gotten a little tired of straightforward romances and straightforward science fiction, when I came across my first science fiction romance, Primary Inversion by Catherine Asaro. I enjoyed it and went looking for more and thanks to blogs like The Galaxy Express and Goodreads / LibraryThing, SFR has become much more visible.

    Lisacordes (@) yah00 d0t c0m

  11. Great tease. I love Sci Fi romance adventure stories. I love meeting new authors. That's why I love doing the blog hops. You are differently going on my TRL and I'm signing up. You on FaceBook too?

    I don't remember my first kiss, guess it was that great. But I do remember my first date with my husband.

    Keep writing so I can keep reading.

    1. Sure am. Check www.facebook.con/ImogeneNix to find me. That first kiss is always special :)

      Thanks for entering and Good Luck!

  12. Like the first line of the first excerpt


  13. WELL...My first kiss was with Eddie Madden. I was 8 or 9 years old and a latchkey kid. I wore my key on a purple shoelace around my neck. Eddie grabbed it one day, pulled me in close to him. and planted a sloppy, wet kiss right on my lips. I ran away in horror and disgust. Not an auspicious beginning to my kissing life! LOL.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

    1. Ah but the possibilities that opens! Lol! Thanks for entering and Good Luck!

  14. Love the first excerpt. Great intro, great meeting between the two. Way to go, Imogene!

  15. Thanks EAHoornaert! I loved writing this story... it was so much fun :)

  16. Great excerpts - love your Starline series and can't wait for the paperback version of book 3 Starburst in paperback. Looking forward to reading the full version of the plan...

  17. Curious about the sugar Plum Fairy. Conjours up a fantasy place where only she can go. What images will appear and will they come true in reality? Will she go there on her own or will she take Captain Fielding with her? Well done. Looking forward to reading the book.

    1. Thanks for the comment Margaret! Ahh fantasy is brilliant isn't? Good luck with the entry.

  18. Great excerpts!! Brilliant Author, cant wait for the next book!!

    1. Thanks for the comment Anonymous :) Glad you've enjoyed my work :)

  19. Congratulations on your new book, Imogene. I love the sound of the conflict between the starched up captor and his captive. Always a very sexy premise!

  20. thank you for sharing in the hop!
    jukyjoauka at aol dot com

  21. Thanks Kyla! Good luck with your entry!
