My two daughters used to say this a lot when we'd travel during the day... and it always irked. As an adult, parent and a writer, though, I find myself thinking that when I get close to:
1) The end of ANY tale I'm writing; and
2) The end of any Series I'm working on.
In the last couple of months I've finished one series (my loosely termed Celtic Cupid) and I'm trying (vainly it feels like) to get to the end of the Reunion series.
The end is there, just out of reach. So close I can smell it... The sweet rich aroma of bubbles that I'll crack in celebration. (Cor Blimey! I can't wait!!!)
Yet I find myself procrastinating.
I'll visit Facebook, Twitter (or even blog!) It's not really time wasting I tell myself. It's networking... chatting, gathering ideas.
It's not that I don't want to finish this tale. Far from it. I know these characters so well that I could even tell you what colour their underwear is (well, you know, I wrote the first sex scene for them!)
It's more than that. I get tired of them. Of pushing and pummelling, of thinking and rethinking and rewriting. I love them and their story but like anything, when you live in close proximity, it wears you down with the day to day angst.
I know where the story is going (vaguely)
I know they will end up together.
Yet, somehow that last hard burst of motivation is lacking on my side.
But I'm persistent. It needs finishing. So I will. Hopefully not today or maybe even tomorrow, though the end is only a couple of thousand words away...
I'll get there, just so I can post:
How will I get there? Well I might write down what scenes still need writing, I might have my friends set me goals. It will depend from day to day... But it will be done. It'll be raw, but then it's going to sit and filter through my brain as I prepare it for editing.
Then, give me a week or two and I'll be ready to edit this sucker and polish it. Once that's done, it will be ready for my editor.
And I just can't wait!
Imogene (who's heading back to the writing cave!)
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