Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy First Birthday Secret Cravings Publishing

Firstly, I want to say, Happy First Birthday to Secret Cravings Publishing!

I struggled with my blog today. I mean what do I say? In the end, I thought I would share my story…so read on if you dare!

I’m a bookstore owner, specializing in Romance Books. Makes sense, right? I read romance. Lots and lots of romance. I know about the genres and what appeals to me, but for years I went through life with the attitude, I couldn’t do it. I mean, getting published is such a fierce thing. Rather like competition where only the very top echelon can achieve that brass ring. I still think it is extremely competitive…I doubt I will ever change my mind about that.

I attended a conference in Bondi, New South Wales in March 2011 and one of the sessions I sat in on, was with the super talented Lexxie Couper. Such a great lady – tons of fun!! Trust me, I sat with Lexxie and her fabulous friends at the dinner and had a ball! Even my husband, one of only 2 men to attend had a great night. (We had both the men at our table so it was a slightly more balanced table than it could be!) Anyway, I am digressing though…

So there I sat in the room, listening to these ladies talking about their journey. At that moment, the light bulb went on in my head. These ladies wrote what they saw and heard in their minds. Now given my over active imagination, surely there was a story in mine? Right? Absolutely. I mean, this is the person that has had dreams of flight and fancy for more years than I could poke a stick at.

So, we arrived home. Very tired after the flight and then a 4 and a half hour drive home. Pooped. But in the back of my mind, there was the seed of a story growing. That seed would eventually become Starline.

For the next 8 weeks, I barely moved away from the computer. I wrote, then wrote more, and then wrote even more again. At the end of 8 weeks I had about 55 000 words written and the basis for the story.

At this time, I did the best thing ever. I joined a writing group. Thank God for Romance Writers of Australia. I joined the paranormal group (super enthusiastic and helpful). They offered advice and friendship. I got a critique partner, (yes and I think I drove her mad with my requests) and I listened. I participated in the Clayton’s Conference (you know, the conference you attend when you can’t attend the conference in real life.) I was on a bender! I soaked up information like a sponge.

I edited, polished, rejigged. You name it. I did it with Starline. A bit like a dog with a bone, I kept worrying it.

By August, it was ready to do something with. I entered it in my first ever competition. (And did quite well, garnering a third place in the end.) I knew it had merit, I knew it wasn’t awful. I knew I could get it published.

I visited Preditors and Editors and started hunting. Who handled romance? Especially a first timer, who really didn’t know what they were doing? I made a list. I selectively submitted. I got requests, for the full manuscript. A couple of rejections – you expect that, don’t you? In October, I woke up to an email. Secret Cravings offered me a contract. Well, I think I screeched yahooed and generally bounced around in my seat. Then I sent a request out to the paranormal loop for advice.

Once more, these fabulous ladies came through. Keri and Tracey have my undying gratitude. Especially Tracey who talked to me about tin tacks and basics, listened to me warbling on about the contract and offered valuable and constructive advice. Thanks so much!

So now, here I sit, waiting for my book to release in the next few weeks. This part of the journey is just beginning, but I do have some suggestions to share with others on the same point of the journey. Please bear with me, though…

My thoughts on writing romance:

1. Write what you love.
Seriously, you need to love the genre you are writing in. If you do, the writing will flow. Trying to fit a square peg in a round hole never worked before, and it certainly won’t work if you are writing in a genre you don’t love.
2. Surround yourself with great, honest and knowledgeable people.
I can’t say this enough. Writing is a lonely journey. Sure you may have friends, co-workers and even husbands, wives, parents and children. But you need information to make it a success. Find people who are writing in your area. Learn from them, there is no reason to reinvent the wheel. Then pay it forward. Help someone else on the journey. Find a critique partner with experience and then one with less. Give something back to the writing world.
3. Research is key.
Not every genre is easy to research. In my case I had to find names of asteroids, planets and try to think how space travel could take place. Thankfully I am a trekkie with great internet access. But there is nothing worse than reading a historical and seeing something glaringly and obviously wrong in the historical context. Check and double check your facts. And if you are making up worlds? Write down what you know, because if you ever go back to the world you invented, you need to keep it straight.

Phew. This started as a quick blog… Ahh well. What does this have to do with Secret Cravings having their first birthday? Well, I am lucky. As a young publisher, so many people give you the advice to be careful. And yes, you do need to do your homework. I did and honestly, can I say that I am pleased I did? I don’t regret signing with SCP.

So, in honor of their first birthday, I am offering a $10.00 USD gift certificate with SCP as a prize!

The catch? You need to tell me about your journey – either as a reader or a writer. It can be as quick as you like. But you must leave me an email address so I can contact you, if you win.

I will be drawing this on 7th January 2012 (Queensland time) and letting you all know here on the blog.

However, there is a double dip here as well. As part of the birthday blog, you will also go into the draw to win the SCP grand prize draw to win…

From Secret Cravings
First prize - Kindle Fire
Second prize - Amazon GC $50
Third prize - SCP GC $25
Visit this page to find out more details


  1. Congrats on your publishing journey, Imogene!! It was lovely meeting you at the ARRA conference in 2011. Hope to catch up at the next one in Brisbane in 2013:)

  2. What a wonderful story! Congrats on your upcoming release! It looks like a good read!

    I'm not a writer, by no means, that's why I leave it up to you professionals! ;)
    But I am a reader and my trails have taken me from romance all the way back around to...romance!! :)

    thewildtwo @ sbcglobal (dot) net

  3. Enjoyed reading your story.
    I'm a reader not a writer,. I always loved reading, but for about 20 years I really didn't do too much reading because of work, family obligations, etc.
    Now I have a empty nest and lots of delicious time! So I am having a reading orgy.
    mcv111 at hotmail(dot)com

  4. I definitely agree with the advice to write what you love and I'm glad you believed in yourself and set your mind to writing. It sounds like Starline was a story that grabbed hold. As a reader, I simply love stories for the characters' and their journeys. My journey as a reader is always interesting and I like trying new genres and authors.


  5. I love to read and when I found the goodreads site I was amazed at how many new books and authors I found. I friended some people and they directed me to some blogs. I found a great many that I like to check on and one of them had an opening for a reviewer. I just started reviewing books, but I am really enjoying it.
    Thanks for sharing your talent of writing. I appreciate the work that you do.
    musicalfrog at

  6. Happy Birthday to Secret Cravings! Congrats to Imogene for getting published. I love reading individual writers stories about how they got published. Thanks for the tips too, I think they're really helpful. I'm not a writer so I'll just talk about me as a reader - when I was a kid I used to love to read and then as I got older and had other things grabbing my attention, I put reading for fun aside. I still read once in a while but not that much. Then after my mom talked me into going back to college for my masters degree, I realized that I was only reading for school. Then one of my professors, who was from overseas, brought up the fact that Americans tend to focus so much on work that we don't know how to really leave things in the office and relax at home, when he and I spoke further, he said I needed to re-learn to read for fun. I started reading mystery books, veered into romance and haven't looked back since. I try to read at least 3 or 4 books a week now and someday I hope to own a bookstore:)

    Thanks for the giveaway

    junegirl63 at gmail dot com

  7. That's a great journey Imogene, I'm sure it will only continue to get more exciting as the books keep flowing.

  8. Wonderful story! Congrats on the upcoming release. I am not a writer, I don't have the talent to write. During my teens, I read some romance books, mostly VC Andrews. Then I switched to more mystery suspense books, but many had romantic aspects. A few years ago, I started reading romances like crazy! That is all I read now, a variety of romance books from historicals, paranormals, contemporaries, sci-fi, in both mainstream and with erotic aspects. I would much rather read a book than watch TV or movies.
    June M.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  9. Great comments - thanks for the good wishes :)

  10. I am a writer and a fellow SCP author! I've had a long journey - one that began at age eleven and although life tossed many curves my way, I finally made it ... a little older and a lot wiser! *winks* Thank you for sharing your story! Congrats to you!

    laylahunter [at] gmail [dot] com

  11. My love of reading started early as my mother, aunts & grandmother all read to me. Don't really remember what I started reading first, but I do remember being deeply into the Hardy Boy mysteries & The Three Investigators in grade school.

    I do clearly remember how I discovered romance books. My aunt Margaret hired me to watch my younger cousins while she & my uncle went out of town overnight for business. After I put the cousins to bed, I was looking for something to do & found a copy of Shanna by Kathleen Woodiwiss, on my aunts nightstand. Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. I stayed up all night reading that book & haven't stopped reading romances since.

    drainbamaged.gyzmo at

  12. What an inspiring story, thanks for sharing. I have been a romance reader for years and years, started when I was a junior in hight school, favorites back then were the historical, mainly Victorian, Regency, etc. I moved around a bit after than, still historicals (they will always hold a special place in my heart) but westerns, colonial, etc., then I read some contemporaries for a while...THEN I found may way into the hotter romances including paranormals and am just loving them! Happy Anniversary to SCP! :)


  13. You certainly have come along way in a year, Imogene. Well done and congrats on the release of Starline soon.

    My journey to publication long fiction is still going. But like you I take all the great advice from those around me and found RWAus to be the best decision I made.

    Good luck with future stories, and happy birthday Secret Cravings.

  14. Thanks everyon for your comments. I have to say it is one hell of a ride! Onto the draw though. I used textmechanic to ensure the draw was anonymous.

    And the winner is....

    Na - I will email you in a little while with the details of what to do next.

    Once more, thank you to everyone who participated.

  15. I had an incredible teacher in 4th grade who introduced me to creative writing. My mom purchased me a plastic, yellow typewriter and as a teen, I would sit in my room all weekend and type stories. My grandfather finally gave me his electric typewriter as I killed the yellow one! I typed for years but stopped as boys, college, marriage and a child got in my way. I read to my daughter from DAY ONE; as a result, she is a brillant child who loves to read and write! I realized that it was time for me to write again...I would like to be published before my teen is, if possible. I am currently taking a class on writing and perfectionism since if my writing isn't perfect the first time I put it on paper, I won't type! LOL!

    Have a great 2012! Happy anniversary, SCP!!

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  16. Good morning. Happy Anniversary to SCP. Continued blessings on all of your endeavors.

  17. Happy Anniversary. Continued blessings on all of your endeavors.

  18. Happy Anniversary Secret Cravings!
    Thanks for the great post!!!!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  19. Wonderful!! Wishing you an enjoyable and rewarding journey.

  20. Thank you for such a wonderful blog entry.
    Happy Anniversary Secret Cravings!

    Teresa K.
