Then the edits arrived - yep we have finally finished the edits for Starline and it has gone into the queue...I am waiting anxiously on the day that it will be released - and I have to say the excitement levels here are building. And that means now the anxious wait for the cover art for the Star of Ishtar to arrive. As before, I will upload it here and once I have the trailer ready, so will that be posted
In the meantime, Christmas came and went and hubby bought me a Kobo (how cool is that) so with about 100 titles in my to read pile in ebook pile I am thinking that's a pretty cool start right? Well yesterday morning I won a $250 gift card from Here We Go A-Caroling, but because I can't buy ebooks to read on my Kobo, instead I bought a ton of paperbacks. So I am looking forward to them arriving
In the meantime a quick run down of the movement here on my blog - starting Wednesday we will have guest bloggers - mostly Secret Cravings authors...January 26th I am joined by another Aussie SCP author.
On the 5th (make sure you bookmark that day) I am the Secret Cravings Publishing Birthday Blogger! A fabulous giveaway is planned andyou can go in the running to win a Kindle Fire from SCP. So you will need to leave a comment.
Anyway, back to work for me. Starfire is waiting presubmission editing :) Ooh I can't wait!
Not to mention a few other jobs that have been pending for the last 2 months waiting to complete these other things.
And I hope your 2012 is as fabulous as mine has started - with a very positive outlook
Happy New Year, Imogene!! I love your positive outlook. Look out 2012.