Yes! I am returned from Perth where I had a lovely time. Caught up with old and new friends. Ate and Drank lots of excellent Western Australian specialties. Shopped and checked out the sights. And I edited Starfire.
Let me tell you, at the end of each day, my feet...well in one word...hurt!
I met the fabulous Carolyn Wren - here's the pic. Now, just excuse the wild hair (mine) as we had just got back from lunch and shopping (I was sooo good cause I didn't buy anything that day!) That came later. The credit card is now going Owch! each time I look at it!
Anyway, so I went to Freemantle where I saw Bon Scott's statue:
(Bon Scott was the singer for AC/DC for anyone who doesn't know...that would normally include me too!)
I hung out with good friends:
Oh yes...and we are counting down the days to the release of Starfire (7 days boys and girls) and the biggest news???
Starline is now AVAILABLE IN PRINT!! Woo Hoo!
So for all you aussies, just hanging out to purchase your copy - it will be on the Love Books Australia website very very soon. Keep watching that special space at the bottom. The books are due to arrive around the middle of the month.
And writing? Well, I haven't really achieved a lot. I am back to working on The Blood Bride, but I took a break last night. Instead I decided to watch Farscape. 5 episodes - Back To Back. How cool is that?? Yeah, Crichton bare chested... Crichton kissing Aeryn... Uh huh! Makes it all worthwhile really :D
Oh and we came home to 2 new chicks. I'll upload pics of them later. They look so cute in their Brooder Box. One black (Obviously the English Game influence) and one yellow/white. She is a wait and see. But soooo cute!
That's my latest update. Stay tuned for lots lots more!
Until next time,
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