Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Close Encounter with...Regan Walsh

Today, the fabulous Regan Walsh is visiting to talk a little about herself...and her latest release Whisper Cape.

Ooh...I love this cover!

Hi, Imogene, and thank you for hosting me on your blog today.

1. Can you tell me a little about the non-writing parts of your life?

Writing takes up a great deal of my time. I do spend a bit of time marketing, but other than that, my non-writing times are spent with my husband and other family members. We have a total of five kids and seven grandkids that I love spending time with. My husband recently built me a garden, so I’ll be spending time working on that. Most of the time, when I’m not writing, I’m reading.

2. If you had to sum yourself up in one sentence, what would you say?

I’m a woman with a heart of gold and the best intentions that don’t always pan out. LOL

3. If you had to think of one defining moment in your life, that brought you to writing, what would that be?

Getting that first sentence written.

4. Tea, Coffee, Chocolate or something a little stronger?

All the above.

5. 5 books on a desert island - what would you choose?

Ones I haven’t read, yet, preferably. But if they were books I’ve already read, three of them would be Nora Roberts’, Circle Trilogy, Morrigan’s Cross, Dance of the Gods, and Valley of Silence. The creativity and imagination goes above anything else I’ve ever read. The other two would be a couple of JR Ward’s Black Dagger Brother Hood. Yes, these are all vampire books and I’m not necessarily attracted to vampire books, but the writing and the romance in these rises above any other’s I’ve read. I would have enjoyed all these characters and their stories even if they were normal everyday people put into situations even without the vampire element. 

6. What would you call your guilty pleasure?

I love floating on a raft in the pool with a good book.

7. Tell us something no one would guess about you.

I’ve always been sort of shy and work hard at putting myself out there.  I so totally get this, Regan!

8. Do you have a few words of advice for aspiring writings, reading this blog?

 Write from your heart and don’t worry about what other people think. After that, get some beta readers and see what they say, but use your own judgment. If you’re going to self-publish, get an editor, a must. Don’t think you don’t need one. You do. The most important thing; never give up.

9. Did you self publish or have a traditional publisher experience and would you recommend it to others as a first choice and why?

I didn’t self-publish initially. I had a contract with a small press publisher, but ended up asking to be released from my contract after I realized they weren’t going to do much in the promotion area. If I had to choose again between a traditional small press publisher and self-publishing, I would pick self-publishing. Most small press publishers don’t spend a ton of money on marketing your book anyway, so I don’t see the point of giving up most of your rights to them. It doesn’t matter much how good a book is, if no one knows about it. Don’t get me wrong, traditional publishing has its advantages, especially if it’s a major publisher with a huge ad budget and marketing campaign.

There is a ton of opportunities available for self-publishing and it doesn’t cost much if done yourself. I don’t think most readers care who published a book. In my opinion, what matters most is how well the book is written and formatted and of course, the story.

Thank you again, Imogene, for hosting me today.


A powerful woman, an extraordinary man, and a maniac who wants to destroy them. Fate has brought them together, but will it make them stronger or destroy them all in end?

Escape to a world where the impossible becomes possible and sparks ignite.

WHISPER CAPE is a town of secrets and Addison MacKenna soon becomes tangled in a web of them. Plagued with nightmares of her father’s sudden and brutal death, Addie struggles with her anguish and refuses to believe his demise was accidental.

Fighting to shake off one of those devastating early morning nightmares, Addison finds it even harder to escape from the vision of a man lying on the side of the road—a man she may have just killed. When she frantically tries to locate him, he seemingly disappears, just the beginning of strange occurrences in her life. She also cannot ignore the weird sensations in her own body. Suddenly, the impossible seems possible, but is that a blessing or a curse?

Believing that her continual and worsening nightmares are both the key to her own new abilities and the clue to her father’s death, Addie knows she will not rest until she has the answers she craves. As she strives to cope with her new remarkable talents, someone else learns of her abilities—a disgruntled maniacal psychopath with his own agenda that involves eliminating Addie. The only one who can protect her, instruct her in the use of her powers and teach her how to destroy the murderous monster is the same man who makes Addie’s heart race and her blood heat with passion. The same man she’d left for dead.

Cael Sheridan may be arrogant and mysterious but he's also undeniably gorgeous. A member of a secret society, he is sworn to protect the woman he believes to be the daughter of his recently murdered mentor. In the process, he finds it impossible to resist her magnetic sensuality, complicating his efforts to shield and guide her as she learns to manage her newly acquired skills. At the same time, Addison has much to teach him about trust and commitment. Fate has brought them together, but will it make them stronger or destroy them both in end?

You can find Regan here:

You can also follow the tour:

June 2 - Kickoff - Giveaway, Review and Guest Post(Character Insight and Quirks) -

June 3 - Interview/giveaway -

June 4 - Guest post -

June 5 – Bookspotlight -

June 6 – The music of the night -

June 7 - Interview/review -

June 8 - Guest post -

June 9 - Excerpt from Whisper Cape/giveaway -

Give Away...

So...Now you want to read this book, don't you?  One lucky comment leaver will win a copy...So, leave Regan a really nice comment...

I will choose a winner on the 10th June.  So get cracking...



  1. Great interview Imogene. Regan's book sounds great. A lot of the things that Regan has mentioned in the interview sound like quite a few writers that I know. Aren't we all on a little on the shy side!
    The blurb on the book sounds so exciting and is well written. New abilities, secret associations and a new man, mysterious and yet sexy. This book will be a definite must read.
    I would really love to read it and have put it on my list to get.
    Good luck with it. I hope you sell quite a few.

  2. Loved the Interview and this book sounds fantastic. And I would love to have a signed book. Love the cover also so dark and mysterious. Makes me want to delve right into the book. Thanks for Sharing.

  3. Congratulations to Jenny A. Jenny, please contact me so I can arrange your copy.
