Sunday, May 15, 2011

Welcome to My World

Here I am to the fun parts of writing. I have finished my first manuscript....Starline and while it is currently in it's infancy I think it is fun!

Basic premise? Sorry I can't tell you that just yet, but what I can say it, my brain hurt continually until it was finished. Starline is the first book in a trilogy called the Warriors of the Elector series.

Now I have to say, the hardest parts of this book to write were thinking up words that might be used in the future....I wonder if the concept of marriage will still be around, or will we have moved on to other forms of formalised unions? The future intrigues me and so I have examined that within my story.

The hero is tough and uber sexy, and the heroine? Well actually she kinda reminds me a little of some of my personality traits and others I only wish I could have! lol.

Okay, so keep an eye out to see what more will be coming soon!

Wishing you a wonderful experience
Imogene Nix


  1. well done on your first ms and welcome to the world of blogging. :)

  2. Congrats on the the blog, and your first manuscript!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog ladies.....I look forward to working on book two....
